Download and stream “Loco” here:

Sama Blake already hinted at a major collaboration coming up next and it can finally be revealed. Together with non-other than British artist D8 he releases his new track Loco. The song is about a beautiful girl who is being told about her beauty but she doesn’t believe it. The track is produced by UNLEADED and is OUT NOW on all major streaming platforms.

“Working together with D8 was really interesting! I see a lot of potential in him. When he sent me his verse, I knew there was no one better for this song!”
– Sama Blake

Credits Sama Blake x D8

Productiehuis : Diversity Productions
Producente : Houda DeColeur
P. A: Hakim Baghou
Director : Fouad Benaissa
D.O.P & edit : Byrez
Art Director : Houda DeColeur
Styling : Mo Jowet

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